Back by popular demand- iwa Spa is hosting our THIRD Grilling and Grooming for...
Awaken your senses and experience what life may be like without vision. Join us...
Fallicious is back in the Blue Mountain Village! Book a mini-manicure and experience Canada’s...
Looking for an awesome place to work? We’ll be at Blue Mountain‘s Community Day...
iwa Spa is proud to support Breast Cancer Research. While much progress has been made...
Focusing on your own wellbeing is one of the best ways to take care...
Is your yoga practice in a rut? Switch things up with a with a one-of-a...
Add our Relaxation Station to your long weekend itinerary! If you haven’t been able...
Spa founder, owner and self-declared professional shopper Michelle Ubell is passionate about finding products that...
We would like to officially thank everyone who supported iwa Spa’s second Grilling and...