Inspiration is such a great thing to give and receive. It fuels us, its contagious and it feels great! Don’t get me wrong there are many times we don’t feel the desire to inspire or are even open to inspiration.
1. Create your own inspired secret stash. Find the things, photos, art, events, music, people, inspirational books or awesome youtube videos that appeal to you and keep them within easy access. Yes, I know it sounds a bit cheesy but finding those short 60 second of uplifting media messages versus negative can make all the difference in your day. I have several in my stash including ted talks, blogs and books, one of my favourites is Robin Sharma . Check him out at He is a great writer – there are so many words of wisdom in his writings. . What in your inspirational stash?
2. get outside and play! Ever watch kids at a playground? Ever see dogs running free at a dog park? My advise – get outside with no other agenda than going outside. Go have some good old fashioned fun!
3. count your blessings. An old saying that rings so true. We often are our own biggest critic. We can get caught up in the negative. We have so much so be grateful for. What’s in your list?
Most importantly its your state of mind that will determine your desire to inspire! and…. you are the only one that can control your state of mind.. so go on… get INSPIRED!
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